The E-Z Graph® has been developed to provide healthcare professionals with a fast, easy, and accurate tool for assessing wounds of all kinds. All it takes is five E-Z steps.
The E-Z GRAPH® WOUND ASSESSMENT SYSTEM was designed by a certified wound, ostomy and continence nurse, with consultation from other health care professionals, to establish an easy-to-use standardized system for the assessment and documentation of all types of wounds.
The E-Z GRAPH® TRACING GRAPH offers a one-step process for fast and accurate assessments. Simply fill in the blanks and trace the wound. Then peel off and dispose of the soiled backing. The graph has an adhesive backing that adheres to the worksheet. Place the finished tracing on the accompanying worksheet to complete the documentation. No longer will you need to rely on excessive wording or depend on fuzzy snapshots to track wound progression.
E-Z Graph easily uploads into electronic health records.
Video demonstrating the proper use of the E-Z Graph Wound
Assessment System
Easy access to the measuring devices ensures compliance with usage and encourages timely documentation. So make certain each unit, department, or floor has their own kit.
Include these four items in the case: E-Z Graph®, worksheets, markers, and sterile cotton-tipped applicators. Store the binder in a pre-determined location for staff to have readily available.
Even though the system is relatively simple and almost self-explanatory, time spent initially instructing your staff on its proper use will provide greater consistency and accuracy in your documentation.
E-Z Graph
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