Wound assessment and documentation made easy!
Easily uploads to electronic health records!
Easily uploads to electronic health records!
The E-Z Graph® Wound Assessment System is a simple, permanent way to document and measure wounds using a transparent graph called the E-Z Graph®. The system consists of three components: The GRAPH, the WORKSHEET, and three COLORED MARKERS. The wound measurement graph provides a visual of wound measurements and wound progression. Proper wound documentation is one of the most important tools in effective wound care management.
The E-Z GRAPH® TRACING graph offers a simple process for fast and accurate wound assessments and wound measurements. Simply fill in the blanks and trace the wound. Then peel off and dispose of the soiled backing. The graph has an adhesive backing that adheres to the worksheet. Place the finished graph tracing on the accompanying worksheet to complete the wound documentation and wound measurements. No longer will you need to rely on excessive wording or depend on fuzzy snapshots to track wound care and wound measurements.
The E-Z Graph® System provides healthcare professionals with a fast and accurate tool for assessing and measuring wounds of all kinds. This device also serves as permanent documentation of wound assessment and wound measurement for patient records.
The time saved by assessors will be remarkable, not to mention the dollars saved, due to the E-Z Graph’s modest price. Consider its uses in skilled nursing units, physical therapy, burn units, general surgery, emergency rooms, long-term care facilities, home health agencies, and physicians’ offices, and wound care centers/clinics for compliance of documentation of wound care, accurate wound measurements and assessment
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